FAQ - Frequently asked questions


  • How can I place an order?

To place an order, select the products you wish to purchase, add them to your basket, then click on "Proceed to checkout". Follow the steps to enter your shipping and payment information.

  • Can I change or cancel my order?

You can modify or cancel your order before it is shipped. Contact our customer service department as soon as possible to request a change.


  • What payment methods do you accept?

We accept payment by credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express), PayPal and bank transfer. Other payment options may also be available depending on your region.

  • Is payment secure?

Yes, our site uses SSL encryption technology to ensure the security of your payment information.


  • What are the delivery times?

Delivery times vary according to your location and the delivery method you choose. In general, orders are delivered within 3 to 7 working days.

  • What are the delivery charges?

Delivery costs depend on the destination and weight of your order. Charges will be indicated at checkout.

  • Can I track my order?

Yes, as soon as your order is shipped, we send you an email with a tracking link.

Feedback and discussion

  • Can I return a product?

Yes, if you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can return it within 30 calendar days of the date of payment. Products must be returned in their original condition, unused and in their original packaging.

  • How do I make a return?

Contact our customer service department to initiate a return procedure. We will provide you with all the information you need to return your product.

  • Am I responsible for return shipping costs?

Return shipping costs are generally borne by the customer, unless the product is defective or incorrect. In this case, we will cover the return shipping costs.


  • Are the products in stock?

All products available for purchase on our site are in stock, unless otherwise indicated.

  • How do I know if a product is out of stock?

If a product is out of stock, this will be indicated on the product page. You can also sign up to receive an alert when the product is back in stock.

Customer support

  • How do I contact customer service?

You can contact us by email at [email address] or by telephone on +32 472 05 61 78. Our team is available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.

  • How long does customer service take to respond?

We do our best to respond to all requests within 24 working hours.

Security & Privacy

  • Is my personal information secure?

Yes, we respect your privacy. Your personal information is secure and used only to process your orders.

  • Why do I need to create an account?

By creating an account, you can easily track your orders, store your delivery and payment details, and benefit from special offers.